What an awesome weekend. Good thing we brought the van. Me and 3 friends drove out to Dresden, Ohio for a Longaberger/ Crafty Weekend filled with wine tasting, eating, crafting, basket making, laughing and shopping, here is proof of our shopping. I could type a book about this, but thank goodness Susan gave us all a journal to capture our thoughts and that is where I have all of me details of my trip. I just wanted to share a few pictures of my jam packed car. This was too funny! I can't wait to scrapbook all of our pictures. We found a Scrapbook Store in the little town of Dresden I couldn't believe it. Gotta go catch up on some sleep. I am so thankful for the gift of friendship.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Stampin' Up's 12 Days of Holiday Sale
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Some projects I've been working on
I haven't gotten all of my christmas cards written out yet, but I have been busy making some gifts. This is a frame for my friend Karen for Christmas. I can post it on my blog because she is probably the last person that would ever read my blog. I apologize I forgot whose blog I got this idea from. The little girl's head is actually the Stampin' Up! Ornament Punch upside down. This punch can be used in so many ways. She has 3 daughters so I thought this would fit them just right. The one with the single boy is for my friend Cathy who I made 5 of them for to give to her son's teachers for christmas. Notice the tree is made out of the round scallop punch cut up into pieces and the tree trunk is the Word Window punch. I just had a ball making these. If you'd like to make one let me know and I love to get together and do a class with you.
Monday, December 7, 2009
I won a RAK
Friday, November 13, 2009
Holiday Open House
3rd Annual
(Creekside Estates, off
Mary Kay®- by
Stocking stuffer central! Pick a stocking and stuff it full!
All your cold weather favorites- Satin Hands®, Mint Bliss™, Hydrating Lotion- and more!
Gift sets too! Spend $50 and get a free Satin Hands® Cream! Gift Certificates available.
Visit my website at www.marykay.com/jherb
Stampin-Up- by
Get all of your cute little hand-stamped stocking stuffers and treats. *Lots of $5.00 and under items- great for teachers, bus drivers, Sunday School teachers, mailman, etc. *Check out my kits to make your own Christmas Cards* Place a $30.00 order out of the Stampin' Up! Idea Book and Catalog and receive a Classic Ink Pad (your choice of color)* Book a Holiday Workshop and hold it before Christmas to receive any $14.95 Stamp Set for FREE!!!
Visit my website at- www.buffyallen.stampinup.net
Tastefully Simple- by Nicole Hess
Tastefully Simple offers easy to prepare gourmet food you and your family will love!
Also makes great gifts for family and friends! I will have taste testing and show specials.
Visit my website at www.tastefullysimple.com/web/nhess
Longaberger- by Jaclyn Betz
Cash and carry items will be available from the feature flyer & wish list. Shop early- only a few of each item will be available for purchase. Perfect for gift giving! Orders will be taken w/ guaranteed Christmas delivery. Free gift with every order over $35. Gift Certificates available.
Visit my website at www.longaberger.com/jbetz
Refreshments! Door prizes! Catalog orders and Cash & Carry!
~Bonus drawings~
- Purchase a minimum of $10 from all 4 vendors and you will be
entered into a drawing for a $50 VISA gift card!
- Purchase a minimum of $10 from at least 2 vendors and you will be
entered into a drawing for a $20 gift card to the vendor of your choice!
No RSVP- open door event! Bring a friend and receive a free gift!
Questions or directions, please call Jolene 610-703-4903
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My Digital Studio by SU!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Blog-i-versary Jen!
Happy Blog-i-versary Jen!
My Digital Studio
I have been so busy lately with Workshops and Craft Fairs, I almost for got to blog. I really need to update with pictures.
Anyway that is my news for today!! MY DIGITAL STUDIO ROCKS!!!! Digital Scrapbooking /Card Making is the NEW Hot HOBBY!
Have a terrific day!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Christmas Stamp A Stack

Last month we celebrated Kayla's 20th Birthday by going out to Millersville to take her out to lunch and watch her cheer at the football game. Well what do you know? It rained..... it seems everytime we go out there we bring rain with us. I felt so bad for the girls standing out there in the pouring down rain. We were able to stand under the bleachers and watch her cheer. Couldn't see the game, but they aren't very interesting anyway. They lost like 64-17 :(
We went to the mall where the boys made her a Build A Bear for her birthday. They bought clothes that match Kayla's style just perfect. I made her a gift bag with Stampin' Up!'s NEW Build A Bear Workshop dies for the Big Shot. How convenient? I made her bear on the gift bag to match her Cheerleading uniform. Gosh.. how I love paper dolls.
I wish I had my camera with me at work so I could upload the pictures of what I've been working on. They are having a baby shower for Kayla's cheerleading coach this Saturday so I made a Memory Can. My friend Karen knew I had to make this so she asked me to make one for one of her fellow employees whom they are having a shower for today after school. I am truely loving these things right now. I am going to be working on some more tonight to make for an upcoming Craft Fair at Bangor Elementary School this Saturday. I will upload the pictures later today. Speaking of Craft Fairs.... This is my second one this season so far. I have 2 planned for the Fall and 3 planned for Christmas Craft Fairs. I am starting to get my Christmas things together and getting excited for the Holidays. We are going to Disney World for Thanksgiving which makes me very excited! I LOVE... LOVE...LOVE Disney! So to be there at one of my favorite holidays in one of my most favorite places on earth..... I am so EXCITED!!!!
Well back to work for a bit. I hope to post pictures when I get home today. Enjoy your Thursday!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I'm back up and running as a blogger!
So here I go.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Been so busy
I've had lots of classes at the Scrapbookings Inn, plus in home shows. It has been an awesome month for my business. I've signed up 2 new demonstrators under me and I now have someone signed up in my 2nd level! YEAH!!!
School is coming to end. Kayla came home on April 27th from college. She has been looking for a job hopefully with kids or something to have on her resume since she is going for early Elementary teaching. I am happy to say after 3 weeks of searching she was hired today by Lehigh Valley Child Care as a teacher's assistant in the Summer School Age Program. Tyler & Jonathan have another 10 days of classes and they are done. Where does the time go?
In another month I am going to have 2 kids out there in the real world. Kind of makes me sad. Only one left. :( I am so proud of their accomplishments.
Gotta run... to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL day by going to John's softball game. I've been waiting for this weather.... Enjoy your day.
Thankful today for:
being invited to watch Billie Jo play the trumpet last night at Barnes & Noble
my classes-had a great time last night!
the nice weather today
having great SU sisters to borrow supplies from when I am low or out.
my kids and their accomplishments
my workshop from Friday night closed at $400 today! woohoo!!!
Jenny placing an order on my website
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Happy 16th Birthday Jonathan!
Monday, April 6, 2009
copic markers give away
I am all about the FREE blog candies. You should go check this one out.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My sister
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
What a night....
Monday, March 30, 2009
I feel LUCKY... oh so LUCKY!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
White Horse STM Challenge
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's cold outside....
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thanks Amy, Jenny, Jen and Barb for listening and being able to sit and keep my mind occupied last night. I just wish I had brought some scrapbooking things.
Speaking of... I still have some spots available for my Stampin' in your Scrapbook class tomorrow night... 6:30 - 8:00. Let me know if you're interested.
Have a good day!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Check out the frre give away on the blog above. I love FREE stuff, don't you? This is a new paper company. Good luck!
Kayla and I then headed to Lehigh Valley Mall looking for a Formal Dress for her end of the year Dance. We didn't find any. She is going to borrow one from Courtney which is what I told her to do from the very beginning. Kids... they never listen.
Then... was the dreaded phone call. My sister called to tell me she called the squad to come take my mom to the hospital. My mom has not been feeling well all week with a cold. When my sister went in to check on her she wasn't herself and wasn't responding to her questions. So she became concerned and called the squad. I've been going back and forth on the phone for the past 3 hours. They can't figure out what is wrong with her other then she has a high fever and she was dehydrated. I can't really sleep, I'm trying to figure out if I should try to get a flight to Florida tomorrow. Maybe I'll just wait to see how her night goes.
I am thankful for my friend Karen and Amanda for being there for me tonight. Say a little prayer again for mom to bounce through this... yet another bump in the road.
Good night
Friday, March 20, 2009
100. to have a job
99. my friends
98. my husband
97. my kids
96. that my daughter is doing GREAT in college
95. my son is going to graduate in June
94. Spring, tired of winter
93. my mom
92. my dad
91. Stampin’ Up!
90. my customers
89. Scrapbooking
88. Kim, my SU! Upline who has become one of my bestest
87. my SU! Sideline sisters
86. Longaberger Baskets
85. waking up to sunshine
84. the sun
83. the moon
82. the stars
81. my new tv
80. my new Partylite candles I ordered
79. the opportunity to teach at Scrapbookings Inn
78. my bestest Karen
77. the beach
76. learning new scrapbook layouts.
75. getting my nails done
74. My sister
73. my nephew Brayden
72. my nephew Gain
71. Kayla’s car is fixed
70. coffee
69. wine night with the girls
68. Dunkin Donut Latte’s
67. going to the gym in the morning
66. Quaterly Stamp A Stacks
65. My Stampin’ Up! Downline
64. Christmas
63. my birthday
62. going to Florida
61. airplanes to get me there faster
60. cupcakes
59. vacations
58. the beach
57. Black Friday Shopping
56. shopping with Kayla
55. Michael’s Arts & Crafts Store
54. Sunday’s with John
53. chocolate & peanut butter
52. my computer
51. girl scout cookies
50. my cell phone
49. texting
48. summer
49. driving with my windows down
48. my new van
47. Vera Bradley purses
46. my 3 healthy kids
45. my home
44. French fries
43. my SU! Workshops
42. the money from my Gold Party
41. pajamas
40. Sundays
39. learning new things
38. learning and understanding the Secret
37. every breath I take
36. the color pink
35. Stabucks
34. Clarks shoes (so comfy)
33. flipflops
32. traveling
31. my kids being happy
30. computer games
29. seeing my husband smile
28. my upcoming classes
27. Mickey Mouse
26. the Disney Princesses
25. watching my daughter cheer
24. listening to the kids play in the park
23. wrestling (not WWE)
22. watching my boys play baseball
21. going to my husbands softball games
20. coloring
19. my sweats
18. craft fairs
17. holidays
16. time spent with my family
15. Sunday dinners with my family
14. cooking on the grill
13. late nights on the deck with my friends
12. my newly found friends at Bunco
11. Sale-A-Bration Time to get free SU! Product
10. laughing at my dad’s dumb blonde jokes
9. my mom’s health at a stand still
8. my sister being there to take care of her
7. this blog, that I WILL being updating more frequently.
6. All-Star Cheerleading
5. The friends who have come and gone in my life
4. my contacts so I can see
3. post it notes to always jot down my to dos
2. music
1. Doctor’s to make me feel better when I am sick.
Finished 10:22. In between getting up to take care of customers since I was doing this at work. That is why I am thankful to have this job. Enjoy…. Think about this, 100 things to be thankful, I know there is so much more. Try it.
Happy Spring!
I am a bad blogger…
I am so into reading everyone’s, I forget to update mine.
It’s been almost 2 weeks. Well, I’ve been very busy.
I am going to Rita’s today for my FREE Italian Ice! Are you?
I figured I can since John and I started going to the gym last week I feel better already. The worst part about it is getting up since we go at 5:30AM! I start feeling a little mushy around lunch time, but the end result will make it worth it. J Gotta get my girlish figure going for the nice weather coming.
I am so excited for my first class at Scrapbookings Inn next Tuesday. I still have seats available if you are interested sign up here www.scrapbookingsinnllc.com under events. I am teaching 4 classes there in April so check them out while you are at it.
Sale-A-Bration is coming to end. You still have time to order though! Contact me today so you can get some FREE product! I LOVE the Ribbon Bundle and the Designer Series Paper in the Sale-A-Bration mini!
As Sale-A-Bration is ending, I am gearing up for the NEW Occasions Mini that will be available April 1st. Some very cute Spring Stamp Sets, a NEW oval Scallop punch, etc… to find out more or you’d like a catalog or maybe even book a workshop in April contact me today I still have a few dates available.
Don’t forget to come see me at the Palmer Township Craft Fair tomorrow at the Charles Chrin Community Center from 9AM- 4PM and I will have a little treat for you. You can be one of the first to get your hands on a All Stampin’ Up! Scrapbook kit put together by Kim and I. We will have a lot of hand stamped gift items for Easter. See ya there!
Enjoy your first day of Spring I know I will. It’s Tyler’s first Varsity baseball game of the Season!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Monday!
Friday Night May 29th
The Eastonian-Holiday Inn Express
90 Kunkle Dr.
Easton, PA 18045
(next to Don Pablo’s)
Contact me for further details!
We also talked about our Relay for Life team. We are a part of the Easton Chapter. Last year was our first time as a Stamp Group that we had a team and can I tell you what an AMAZING experience it was for me. I think I can say that on behalf of our whole group. I was a little torn it was graduation week, I had my parents and brother here from Florida and the day of the event was Kayla's graduation party. We did find time to walk though (6:30AM the day of the party Kayla & I were both there and walked our 2 miles.) We are looking for additional walkers, if you are interested get in contact with me. Jamie, one of the girls in our group wore a pedometer and walked like 34 miles through the whole 24 hour event. We each made some handstamped things to sell and set a goal of $1000 for our team and we doubled that and donated over $2000 to the American Cancer Society. Come back to my blog for more details.
Well, Kayla is back to school with her own car. Yes, it makes me a little scared. At least I don't have to drive out there now to pick her up every time she wants to come home. I was kind of getting excited for the warm weather though to go out and shop in Lancaster, now that I know it is only 10 minutes from her. I'll just have take day trips. :)
I took Tyler to the Dr this morning about his thumb, still broken but healing accordingly, still has to wear the brace. He is released to participate in gym.
Today I am thankful to have my job. On Friday they came in laid off one of my co-workers. It's really sad and I feel so bad for her. I am also thankful that Kayla made it safely back to school and only has about 6 weeks to go of her 1st year of college! ALREADY???
Have a great Monday!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Class at Diana's on Saturday
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Scrapbooking with the girls...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pray for my mom's speedy recovery
K & B Layouts
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Mom was supposed to have surgery but it was cancelled at the last minute due to her health. I continued on with my visit though. Thanks god though. We took her to dialysis on Thursday and we were told to bring her to the Hospital because the infection in her blood was back and they need to get the catheter out of her neck and prepare her for another surgery to put a ne one in. See, there was a reason why I kept my trip as planned. There is nothing worse then those calls from my sister or dad to tell me she is in the hospital again and be 1000 miles away worrying. At least I was there this time to see she really is ok. We went back and forth to the hospital all of Thursday and Friday. They took the bad port out and put a temporary one in Friday and they have to wait until the infection is completely out of her system to do the other surgery. I hated to leave her Friday night. Did I mention I bought the book The Secret as I was so inspired by Amy the owner of the Scrapbookings Inn. After reading it almost half way through by the time my flight landed in Florida, I knew my mom was going to be ok if I left. I am slowly understanding the meaning of the secret. I need to keep going back for a reminder. It's amazing how differently you think though and I do believe in the secret.
I'm also thankful for my husband that took care of everything while I was away and who always understands me with no questions asked.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Happy 18th Birthday Tyler!
Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009
I have blog!!! woo hoo
Well, no that I have a blog, I can't wait to get started with it. I do need to get to bed though so enough for today! I'm so excited I am a blogger now!!!!