Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wow... time flies. It's been over a week since I posted. I have done so much this past week. Left for Florida on Tuesday to visit my sister and mom and my two little nephews who I love to pieces! See them here?

Mom was supposed to have surgery but it was cancelled at the last minute due to her health. I continued on with my visit though. Thanks god though. We took her to dialysis on Thursday and we were told to bring her to the Hospital because the infection in her blood was back and they need to get the catheter out of her neck and prepare her for another surgery to put a ne one in. See, there was a reason why I kept my trip as planned. There is nothing worse then those calls from my sister or dad to tell me she is in the hospital again and be 1000 miles away worrying. At least I was there this time to see she really is ok. We went back and forth to the hospital all of Thursday and Friday. They took the bad port out and put a temporary one in Friday and they have to wait until the infection is completely out of her system to do the other surgery. I hated to leave her Friday night. Did I mention I bought the book The Secret as I was so inspired by Amy the owner of the Scrapbookings Inn. After reading it almost half way through by the time my flight landed in Florida, I knew my mom was going to be ok if I left. I am slowly understanding the meaning of the secret. I need to keep going back for a reminder. It's amazing how differently you think though and I do believe in the secret.

I am thankful for my trip to Florida to spend time with my family.
I'm also thankful for my husband that took care of everything while I was away and who always understands me with no questions asked.
My flight left Tampa, FL at 6:40AM and I was greeted at Allentown airport by John and Kayla (yeah she is on spring break this week!) then we went and met the boys and their friends for breakfast. We finally found a table to put under our NEW TV. So thankful for this too.

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